Total Body Tactical: 5-6 Days Per Week

This 5-day (optional 6 day with cardio) program will help intermediate and advanced trainees gain size and strength, power, and explosiveness. Supersets, Triple Sets, and Quad Sets combining multi-joint lifts, core and conditioning will drive the heart rate up and keep the intensity high while cutting down on workout time.

Main Goal Improve Strength, Build Muscle, Metabolic Conditioning, Increase Tolerance to Multiple Energy System Training
Workout Type Full Body
Training Level Intermediate-Advanced (depending on weight used, level of effort, and rest breaks)
Program Duration 16 weeks to Continuous
Days Per Week 5-6
Equipment Required Foam Roll, Barbell, Bodyweight, Bands, Dumbbells, Kettlebell, Slam Ball, Swiss Ball, Medicine Ball, Air Bike
Target Gender Male & Female
Recommended Supps Protein

Workout Description

This 5-day (optional 6 day with cardio) program will help intermediate and advanced trainees gain size and strength, power, and explosiveness. The program gradually progresses over time, introducing new concepts and exercises to promote continuous progress and prevent plateaus. The initial eight weeks focus on triple sets in a lift + lift + core format. After eight weeks, a progression is made to lift + lift + core + plyo/speed quad sets. Finally, at the twelve-week mark, cardio and conditioning circuits are incorporated at the end of some workouts, resulting in a comprehensive, high-intensity training session that engages all energy systems.

Why Train This Way?

The single biggest mistake trainees have made in their quest for the ultimate physique and performance is sticking to the same periodization parameters. Our bodies are designed to adapt, so variation is key to consistent hypertrophy and fitness success. In this program, we incorporate the following principles:

  • Training each major muscle group three times per week
  • Maintaining sufficient intensity without overindulgence
  • Choosing a training volume that can be sustained alongside life stressors
  • Performing compound, multi-joint exercises for maximum hypertrophy
  • Keeping each training session as concise as possible
  • Allowing at least 48 hours of recovery between workouts

How Did We Arrive At This Program?

To create an effective program, we recognized the importance of avoiding stagnant training parameters. By understanding the body’s natural adaptation process, we designed a program that promotes consistent hypertrophy and prevents plateaus. The program emphasizes variation, ensuring continuous progress and results. Incorporating compound exercises, managing intensity levels, and allowing adequate recovery time were all key factors in developing this program.

Who Is This For?

This program is designed for individuals seeking to achieve an impressive physique and unbreakable fitness. It is suitable for those who are tired of following programs with limited variance that fail to deliver consistent progress. Whether you are a beginner (less than 1 year of continuous exercise) or an experienced lifter, this program can help you break through plateaus and optimize muscle growth.

If you have completed at least 4 weeks in Foundations 1 and Foundations 2 OR decided to start at Foundations 3 and successfully completed at least 8 weeks, this program is a good fit for you if you are looking for more barbell type work.

Additionally, if you have performed at least 6 months of a minimum 4 day per week training program without pain or injury you would benefit from this program.

Lastly, if you have been following OG Training for at least 8 weeks without pain or injury and are looking for more barbell work this program will help you take that next step.

Example Training Program

Below is an example of the training program structure:

  • Day 1: Full Body Lift + Core Triple Sets
  • Day 2: Recovery + Aerobic Conditioning
  • Day 3: Full Body Lift + Core Triple Sets
  • Day 4: Recovery + Aerobic Conditioning
  • Day 5: Full Body Lift + Core Triple Sets
  • Day 6: Optional Cardio Day (For Those Following A 6-Day-Per-Week Program)
  • Day 7: Rest Day

Program Notes

  • Main lifts are the same across each phase of the program and will rotate to a new group of main lifts in the next phase.
  • Core, Plyo/Speed, and Cardio exercises are rotated throughout.
  • Even weeks utilize antagonist lifting patterns.

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