Successful Nutrition Habits Training

We understand nutrition plays a critical role in the performance and well-being of tactical and industrial athletes. Many of these individuals may have developed poor nutrition habits over time, which negatively impacts their health and ability to perform on the job. We provide periodic rollouts of new nutrition habits to help our clients establish healthier eating patterns.

But what is a habit, and why is it so hard to break once established? According to James Clear, author of “Atomic Habits,” a habit is “a behavior that has been repeated enough times to become automatic.” In other words, habits are learned behaviors that become second nature to us, making them difficult to change.

When it comes to creating a behavior change, the process can be overwhelming if we try to tackle too much at once. Giving someone a laundry list of dos and don’ts when it comes to nutrition can lead to confusion and frustration, making it less likely that they will stick to any new habits or changes. That’s why we use a metered rollout approach, focusing on one core idea at a time.

For example, we might focus on the idea of “what should my plate look like?” and provide our athletes with information on how to build a balanced meal that includes protein, healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates. By breaking down the process of behavior change into smaller, more manageable steps, our clients are more likely to establish long-term habits that support their health and performance. Rollouts allow our clients to focus on one new habit at a time, integrating it into their daily routine before moving on to the next habit.

This approach is particularly important for tactical and industrial athletes, who often face unique nutritional challenges due to the demands of their jobs. By providing targeted and actionable information in a digestible format, we can help our clients make meaningful changes that support their health, well-being, and performance.

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