Identify-Refer Altered Mental Wellness

We prioritize the mental wellness of our tactical and industrial athletes who face unique challenges in their line of work. While our on-site representatives, who are physiotherapists and physiotherapist assistants, are not credentialed to treat issues in mental wellness, we are trained to recognize patterns of distress and altered behaviors, and we have been educated on how to refer individuals to properly trained mental health practitioners.

We understand the importance of timely intervention and support for individuals struggling with mental wellness issues. For this reason, we work closely with our clients to establish partnerships with mental health practitioners in their municipalities, whether it be through a hotline, an in-person practitioner, or a trained colleague referred to as a peer support counselor (PSC). We believe timely and appropriate referrals to mental health practitioners can help ensure that individuals receive the appropriate care and support they need.

Furthermore, we recognize that mental wellness is an integral part of overall health and well-being. For this reason, we are more than happy to work with the athlete and their mental wellness practitioner for a holistic approach to dealing with mental health issues. We believe a collaborative approach can help individuals achieve the best outcomes and support their overall health and well-being.

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