Functional Movement Screen (FMS)

We understand that preventing injuries is a top priority for any organization, and we are here to help you achieve that goal.
Our approach to injury prevention starts with the Functional Movement Screen (FMS), a screening tool that evaluates seven fundamental movement patterns in individuals with no current pain complaints or musculoskeletal injuries. The FMS helps us identify areas of weakness or limitations in an individual’s movement patterns, which may contribute to an increased risk of injury.
In concert with the FMS, we also use the Y Balance Test (YBT) to assess an individual’s dynamic balance and risk for injury. The YBT is a reliable tool that can identify asymmetries in an athlete’s movement patterns, which may indicate an increased risk of injury. By combining the FMS and YBT, we can accurately assess an individual’s injury risk and create an effective corrective exercise plan to address any weaknesses or asymmetries in their movement patterns.
One of the benefits of our injury risk assessments and corrective exercise programming is that it is highly individualized. We understand each athlete has unique movement strengths and weaknesses, and we work to maintain the strengths while addressing the lagging areas to reduce the overall incidence of injury. By creating a customized program based on an athlete’s specific needs, we can help them perform better and stay healthy and injury-free.
Our team of highly trained professionals is dedicated to helping your tactical and industrial athletes reach their full potential. We use evidence-based assessments and interventions to provide the best possible care to each individual athlete. By working with us, you can feel confident that you are taking the necessary steps to prevent injuries and keep your athletes healthy and performing at their best.

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