Tactical Alpha: 6-7 Days Per Week

This 6 day (7 day with optional cardio) program will help intermediate (>1 year continuous training) and advanced trainees gain size and strength while pushing energy system training to the max. Intense training and significant time commitment.

Main Goal Build Muscle & Strength, Advanced Energy System Training, Mobility, Peak Performance
Workout Type Full Body, Energy Systems Training
Training Level Advanced
Program Duration Continuous
Days Per Week 6-7
Equipment Required Barbell, Bodyweight, Cables/Bands, Dumbbells, Kettlebell, Sled, Sandbag, Bike, Rower
Target Gender Male & Female
Recommended Supps Protein

Workout Description

This is a 6 day (7 day with optional cardio) training program specifically designed for tactical athletes and first responders who require year-round operational readiness. The program consists of progressive phases that aim to maintain a balance between anaerobic and aerobic energy systems initially and then shift towards conditioning and work capacity in later phases. The goal is to develop well-rounded tactical athletes who possess strength, speed, adaptability, agility, coordination, and the ability to perform at 90% or better consistently.

How Did We Arrive At This Program?

The Tactical Alpha program was developed based on the unique needs and demands of tactical athletes and first responders. The conjugate training system was chosen to address the requirements of increasing both absolute strength and aerobic capacity simultaneously. The program’s design focuses on maintaining a balance between the body’s three primary energy systems: Anaerobic Alactic, Anaerobic Lactic and Aerobic OR Gain, Pain and Sustain if you want an easier way to remember them. The aim is to create a training regimen that prepares individuals for the challenges they may face in their operational roles while also preparing for a thriving life after the career.

Who Is this For?

This program is specifically designed for individuals who are dedicated to achieving elite mental and physical performance, particularly tactical athletes and first responders. It is for those who understand the importance of being always ready to respond when the situation demands it. Tactical Alpha is suitable for individuals who prioritize being strong, fast, and capable. It is intended for those who want to maintain a high level of performance, operating at 90% or better throughout the year.

To begin the Tactical Alpha program, it is recommended to have completed either of the following:

  1. At least 8 weeks of OG Training as written, followed by another 8 weeks of OG Training adapting the dumbbell and kettlebell exercises into barbell exercises. OR
  2. At least 8 weeks of OG Training, followed by another 8 weeks of Total Body Tactical.

Example Training Program

  • Day 1: Lower Body/Lower Back + Anaerobic Alactic Conditioning
  • Day 2: Mobility + Anaerobic Alactic/Aerobic Conditioning
  • Day 3: Upper Body + Anaerobic Lactic Conditioning
  • Day 4: Mobility + Anaerobic Lactic/Aerobic Conditioning
  • Day 5: Lower Dynamic + Anaerobic Alactic Conditioning
  • Day 6: Upper Dynamic + Anaerobic Lactic Conditioning
  • Day 7: Recovery + Aerobic Conditioning

Program Notes

  • Initial focus on balancing anaerobic and aerobic energy systems.
  • Subsequent phases prioritize conditioning and work capacity.
  • Utilizes Gain, Sustain and Pain style of energy systems training to keep you prepared for the complexity and rigors of your profession.

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