“OG” Training: 5-6 Days Per Week

This 5 day (6 day with optional cardio) program will help intermediate and advanced trainees gain size, strength, and increased cardiovascular fitness while avoiding loaded barbell movements.

Main Goal Improve Mobility, Reduce Pain, Build Muscle & Fitness, Energy System Training
Workout Type Full Body
Training Level Intermediate
Program Duration Continuous
Days Per Week 5-6
Equipment Required Foam Roll, Lacrosse Ball, Bodyweight, Bands, Dumbbells, Kettlebell, Air Bike
Target Gender Male & Female
Recommended Supps Protein

Workout Description

This is 5 day (6 day with optional cardio) program aimed at promoting hypertrophy, strength, and increased cardiovascular fitness while avoiding loaded barbell movements.

The sessions begin with soft tissue work and movement quality, focusing on active stretching and muscle activation. A dynamic warmup leads into a plyometric circuit to conclude the warmup phase. We then move into strength circuits that incorporate multiplanar movements, ensuring well-rounded strength development. Each session concludes with conditioning, which can include activities such as sled pushing, bike riding, or treadmill runs.

Who is this for?

This program is suitable for individuals who seek to enhance overall health and longevity, minimize joint stress, and prioritize feeling and moving better while training like a tactical athlete. It is designed for anyone interested in improving their well-being and movement quality. Whether you are a tactical athlete or simply striving for a comprehensive approach to training, this program can benefit you.

This is best for those who have completed at least 4 weeks in both Foundations 1 and Foundations 2 training or have been working out consistently for 4 days weekly for a minimum of 6 months.

Example Training Program

Below is an example of the training program structure:

  • Day 1: Full Body Lift + Anaerobic Alactic Conditioning
  • Day 2: Recovery + Aerobic Conditioning
  • Day 3: Full Body Lift + Aerobic Conditioning
  • Day 4: Recovery + Anaerobic Lactic/Aerobic Conditioning
  • Day 5: Full Body Lift + Anerobic Alactic Conditioning
  • Day 6: Optional Cardio Day (for those following a 6-day-per-week program)
  • Day 7: Rest day

Program Notes

  • Each training week consists of three full-body lifting sessions per week, complemented by integrated cardio exercises.
  • Two dedicated recovery and conditioning days are included to promote optimal recuperation.
  • Participants have the option of incorporating an extra cardio day for a more intense six-day-per-week training schedule.
  • After 8 weeks in the program, participants can begin substituting barbells in place of DB and BW lifts if looking to increase load.

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